Monday, July 28, 2008
Classic Hairstyles Tips and Techniques
Usually these styles require precision cutting and razor-cutting, so you need a professional to do them for you. Also, these styles need to be evaluated one on one for their suitability.
The best thing about these hairstyles is that they're always in vogue. And since they're classics too, they'll generally work well in any occupation or occasion.
Always make sure the hairstyle you choose suits your face shape, hair type and lifestyle factors.
It's always a good idea to use's virtual hairstyler to try on a hairstyle first.
Wavy Hairstyles Tips and Techniques
Wavy hair needs to be cut and groomed by a trained hairstylist. Shaping and weight determination can make or break any particular look. Wavy hairstyles can also be achieved with naturally straight hair types by using chemicals and rollers (and rearranging the inner structure of the hair).
Wavy hairstyles can be styled straight with the use of blow-dryers, straighteners, and styling aids, and by adjusting the weight through the layers (longer, heavier layers create weight and reduce waves while more layers reduce weight and increase bounce).
If you want a smoother, straighter result, beware of short layers. Also razor-cuts can be a problem because they can make shorter hair wispy in the mid-lengths and appear frizzy.
There are lots of wavy hairstyles to choose from, and with a good consultation you should find something that complements your features and attributes.
Black Hair Styles
If you were interested in a long, black hair style, you need to remember that the way and amount of hair growth will depend on several things. First, the way in which hair grows has a lot to do with genetics. Therefore, while there might be one family that can wear just about any type of black hair style, other families struggle to get their hair below the chin. Another consideration has to do with health. If you are trying to achieve long hair, certain illnesses such as thyroid or lupus will have an affect on the outcome.
To grow your hair so you can wear it long, you need to make sure you are eating a well balanced diet, have little to no stress in your life, do not smoke, keep your hair clean and healthy, and overall take care of yourself. Additionally, you want to avoid greasing your hair every day, which can actually clog the pores on your scalp. Also, try to avoid using relaxers, if possible, do not bleach your hair, only use hot irons or curls occasionally, and have split ends trimmed. All of these things combined will help you achieve the goal of having any number of long, black hair styles.
Healthy Hair Tips
- Haircut – One of the best tips for healthy hair is to ensure your hair looks great by getting regular haircuts. Now keep in mind when choosing a hairstyle, if you find that the stylist needs 30 to 45 minutes in the salon to make your hair look perfect, then when you get home, you will never be able to recreate the same look. Instead, you want a haircut that looks natural and requires little fuzz.
Make sure the stylist understands the four important aspects of a haircut to include density, texture, type, and facial shape. For instance, if you have thick, coarse hair, then you would not want a full perm or if you have a full, round face, you want your hair to be pulled away from the face to make it look thinner. Finally, a good haircut should last six weeks, looking great every day.
- Work with Nature – Everyone has different hair. It might be that your hair is fine, thick, wavy, straight, and so on. To look its best, you need to work with your natural hair. Otherwise, you will find that you become enslaved to your hair, going through constant coloring, relaxing, cutting, chemical applications, etc.
- Use Products Wisely – Go easy on the products. If you apply gel to your hair, rather than fill the palms of your hands with the product, use a small, dime-size portion. The same would be true with hairspray. You do not want your hair to appear stiff but flowing and natural. Therefore, use a small amount of spray, allowing your hair to have movement.
Another tip for healthy hair is that using too much products will cause your hair to appear greasy and weighted down. You also want to be careful when mixing and matching products. Instead of applying a leave-in conditioner, styling mousse, gel, and then hairspray, simply shampoo and condition your hair and then use one product. Additionally, it would be best to use the same brands in that they are designed to work together for the best results.
- Hair Rollers – Many people today use rollers to achieve soft curls. If you plan using rollers on your hair, you want to use them right. For example, unheated rollers should be used on damp hair while heated rollers would be used on dry hair.
After you shampoo your hair, do not use products until the hair is no longer wet, but just damp. For one, if you apply the product sooner, the hair will take longer to dry, thus taking longer to curl. Two, you will not get a consistent curls. When you put rollers in your hair, place the largest rollers at the top near the roots to produce the most volume. Just make sure you do not position the rollers right up to the roots or it can pull and stretch the hair, causing damage.
When you unwind the rollers, take your time. Too often, hair will become entangled, causing frustration and pulling. This breaks and tears the hair, making it look frizzy. Then to get a natural curl, instead of using a brush to form tight curls, flip your head over and with your fingers, comb through your hair. Then you flip your hair back, it will be soft and natural.
- Roots – The roots of your hair can be damaged in a number of ways. Therefore, before you start blow-drying or curling, make sure you take care of the roots. For starters, a tip for healthy hair is that when you blow dry, your hair, start by drying the root area first. The same would be true when applying hair products. You will get more volume by applying to the roots first and then working your way down.
- Preparation – One problem that many people face is that as the day progresses, the hair becomes dull and tired looking. If you are faced with this challenge, then you reactivate your morning’s gel or mousse with a simply spritz of water.
Another great tool is to purchase a miniature curling iron that can be kept in your purse or desk. Then at lunch, you can take five minutes to refresh the curls, looking just as good, as you did in the morning. If you wear your hair long, then use scrunchies to wrap it up several times a day. When you take the hair down, you will have instant fluff and volume.
- Body – Dealing with limp, lifeless hair is another common problem. To get the thickness and body you want, you need to make sure your hair is washed with a quality shampoo and conditioner. Then when you dry your hair, bend over at the waist and blow your hair upside down. Once the hair is approximately 50% dry, apply mousse or gel and with a vent brush, work it through. Now, flip your head over again, drying until completely dry.
- Go Easy – Purchase some of the up do tools sold at stores to help put your hair up so it looks neat rather than just thrown together. To make this work, you need to gather all your hair as neatly as possible and then wind or roll it in one direction. With the updo tool, put the hair up and then secure it with bobby pins.
- Darn Those Cowlicks - Many men and women struggle with cowlicks but instead of fighting these areas of the hair, use them to your advantage. For example, you can start a part or sweep the hair over at the location of the cowlick and have a nice lift. Another option is to brush your hair over toward the cowlick with a little bit of gel. The result will be a nice fullness that makes the hair look great and hides the cowlick.
- Regular Trims – In addition to having a great cut, our last tip for healthy hair is to keep up with regular trims. Unfortunately, women will try to stretch the time out as long as possible but even waiting one week can make a big difference.
Hair Fashion Trends
Hair Fashion #1: The Bob Hairstyles
Bob is one classic hairstyle that is loved by many, and seems to never go out of style, no matter how hard you try. There will always be a bob on a top ten list somewhere. This is one hair fashion trend that has strong staying power and most likely will look great in a short medium cut, with lots of highlights, especially for those warmer months.
Hair Fashion #2: Sleek Side Parting
this is a very simple look that can be done by simply, taking one side of your hair with a regular comb, and creating a part on the side of your main. Usually this look is accompanied by a soft ponytail or an elegant chignon, or the hair is just laying flat in sedu type look.
Hair Fashion #3: Get More Feminine Look
Feminine bringing back the 30's and 40's, women will want to get more in touch with their feminine side, by styling their hair in soft and stylish waves. Wearing low chignons and defined and stylish bangs that are usually in an intricate but simple design.
Hair Fashion #4: The Fringe Hair Style
The Fringe is a popular hairstyle that is a simple look that still makes a bold statement, where most of the hair lays flat and than the front of the mane is cut into a full voluminous bang with fringed edges that usually fall below your forehead right before your eyes, some people are daring and wear the look longer than it should be.
Hair Fashion #5: Dare to Wear Short Hairstyles
Masculine some women dare to be brave and make a statement that they can still is sexy, defined, sophisticated, sleek and stylish and they don't need an extravagant hairstyle to pull of a courageous and super hot look. Slicked back hair and short crops will definitely complete the masculine look.
Hair Fashion #6: The Crop Haircut for Women
The crop is a bold and sophisticated look, that most women with confidence wear proudly and knowing that they are the talk of the town. The crop is a fun and flirty look that is easy to maintain and style. Most people choose crops for the warmer months, because of its breezy style.
Not only are hairstyles the latest fashion trends, but it also depends on the color. Some other hair fashion trends to watch out for are color, color, color! Girls will have a playground when they start experimenting, with blondes, coppery tones, and reds for their new trendy hairstyles. The great thing about trendy hairstyles is that they come and go with seasons, so if you are not happy or you want to update your look, you can always change it when you feel it's necessary.
Spring Fling Hair Style Maintenance
To get this young and fun looking hairstyle, begin with washed and conditioned hair. After conditioning, saturate the hair in setting lotion. Begin rolling the hair on straws or very small flexi-rods, excluding the left front side of the hair. Once the hair is rodded, sit under a hooded dryer for about 60 minutes, or until the hair is completely dry. Next begin, removing the rods or straws while oiling the hair. When all the rods are removed use a tourmaline dryer and iron to straighten the piece of hair you left out in the front.
To finish with this spring hairstyle: finger through the curls to achieve the desired look.
Get Some Curl and Waves Into your Hair This Spring
For a woman that loves to have fun while looking great, this hairstyle is perfect. Easy to mange, you would think a girl like this woke up every morning, but we know better. For this hair style, first wash and deep-condition the hair. Deep conditioning is essential for color-treated hair and is also great for hair that will be braided for some time. Next cornrow the hair in a circular pattern around the head, which is also known as "around the world" cornrows. Next sew in deep-wave weaving tracks against the direction of the cornrows. Instead of installing each track onto a single cornrow, sew in tracks across the cornrows. Once the weave hair is completely installed, use a pair of high-grade cutting shears to cut the hair into layers. Cut the front pieced so that they frame the face.
To finish this spring hairstyle use a wide-tooth comb to separate the weave hair and make it appear more natural.
Curly Hair Care Maintenance
Deciding the Best Care for Curly Hair
Curly hair is every junior high girl's worst enemy! It seems like no matter what curly hair care products she uses, those curls are out of control! Curly hair, whether it be short curly hair or long, can either be a blessing, or a curse, depending on how it is treated!. If you have curly hair, you know that there is no point in fighting it! Go with the curl, and learn how to make your naturally curly hair beautiful with these hair tips for curly hair!Problems For The Curly Haired
The biggest problem with curly hair is frizz. Curly hair that is over worked and over styled will frizz, and lack life. Also, curls can get out of control easily. It is important to use the right curly hair products to control these two problems.Top Tips For Curly Hair
Rather than fighting with your curly hair, learn how to work with it to make yourself beautiful. With these curly hair tips, you can take care of any style through proper naturally curly hair care.Choose The Right Products
One of the biggest mistakes that those with naturally curly hair make is not using the right curly hair products. You need to choose conditioners and shampoos that are specially formulated for curly hair. Regular conditioners will weigh down the hair, creating flat, lifeless curls. Regular shampoos often do not contain enough moisture to bring curls to life. There are a variety of curly hair products on the market today, and those with curly hair must use shampoo and conditioner designed for their hair type.The same is true for moose, gel, or hair spray. Normal hair styling products will weigh down curly hair. This gives your hair a crunchy, fake look. This is not the best style for curly hair. Choose products that will control your curl, while letting your hair breathe and look alive.
Your Comb is Important
When combing curly hair, never comb it when it is dry. This will cause frizz and breakage of the hair. Also, avoid using combs or brushes that are narrow toothed. Instead, use a pick or a comb with wide teeth to brush through your curly hair. You may want to use a sealer before brushing to protect your hair from split ends.Thursday, July 24, 2008
Right Hair Dye ColorsTips
The names of hair dye colors are designed to be alluring and it works making choosing the right hair colors all the more difficult. There isn't a woman alive who isn't tempted to give it a try.
Beyond the psychological benefits to be gleaned from coloring your hair - making yourself feel younger, having a bit of fun, or trying something more daring - coloring your hair can actually be beneficial to the hair itself. In some instances coloring will give the hair a greatly improved texture and shine and it does make the gray disappear. Before you make the decision to color, however, it's good to know what you're getting yourself into because the consequences of a failed hair coloring can be absolutely devastating.
Special Hair Challenges for African Americans
While smooth, sleek latest hairstyles are more difficult for African American women to achieve they are not impossible thanks to relaxers and to implements like flat irons. The upside of the tighter quality of African American hair is that it responds well to braiding and weaving and will hold sculpted styles that are almost impossible for European hair unless the hair is practically lacquered into place.
African American women should tie up their hair at night or sleep with a scarf or cap to help prevent tangling and breakage. Most do not need to wash their hair more than once a week with deep conditioning only once a month. As little heat as possible should be applied to the hair and avoid alcohol based hair sprays and gels. Minimize the amount of "product" in your hair as much as possible.
Hair Styles for the Occasion
Different hair styles within those parameters of short and long work for different kinds of hair, different facial features, and different occasions. Bridal hair styles will be different from teen hair styles and the latest hair styles may not be the best for you just because they're currently in.
The latest hair style that's "in" for you should be the one that best matches your facial features. It's always best to be armed with some basic information before you make any changes from cut to hair color. Salon consultations are the best route, but there are basic rules of thumb by which anyone can be guided.
Disadvantages of Synthetic Hair
curling irons
• Traditional haircolor will not work with synthetic fibers; recolor synthetic wigs is not
• Can appear shiny and unnatural; quality and price affect how natural the hair
looks; thick synthetic wigs will look unnatural on fine-haired women
Advantages of Synthetic Hair
which are so similar in look and feel to protein-rich hair fibers that they can even
fool some stylists.
• A great value; not only are they realistic, but they are less expensive than natural
hair; they are also easier to maintain at home; shampooing with cold water will
not change the style, nor will exposure to extreme humidity
• Synthetic wigs tend to be made according to current styles with cut, color and
texture already set; usually only needs custom trimming to be ready to wear
• Color availability is almost unlimited (from natural to fantasy colors); cheapest wig
styles tend to be more solid in color, while higher-quality synthetics have blended
colors for natural looking hair
• Synthetic colors will not fade or oxidize even after long periods in direct sunlight
• Tend to be lighter in weight, thus more comfortable to wear
Hair Fashion: Hair Extensions
Glamorous shouldn't be an adjective reserved for only today's hottest celebrities, especially since it's easier than ever to look like a star.
More and more women are making hair extensions part of their beauty routine because they are extremely affordable. Many products found at the trendy, fashionable online wig and hair extensions store, start at less than ten dollars. Shoppers can choose from popular Easihair extensions for dramatic looks to 100% human hair clip-ins.
Today's hair extensions are easy to wear and maintain. In the past, the extensions had to be glued or weaved into the hair by a professional in such a way that often times damage was caused to a women's natural hair. "That's not the case now," said S J Moore from "Today extensions can be clipped into place with a few simple steps and can add natural body or length to hair."
Also topping the list for a trendy celebrity fashion accessory: wigs. Britney Spears has unveiled a string of contemporary wigs, of which several styles can be found at From the popular Florence Human Hair Wig to the Chanel Wig, Spears has to keep a variety of wigs on-hand to supply her newest fashion feature. And she's not alone. Among celebrities known to wear lace-front wigs are Beyoncé, Gwen Stefani, Li'l Kim, and Tyra Banks.
The social taboo associated with wearing false hair is wearing thin. Hair extensions and wigs used to be associated with illness, but with the increased celebrity exposure, they are seen today as in vogue fashion accessories.
Hair Extensions Applications and Methods
They come in all kinds of varieties and can be pre-coloured, pre-highlighted or pre-permed with curls or a body wave. Depending on the method of applying them, you may need to have your hair extension re-applied after six or eight weeks, or they might last up to four months. Re-attaching is generally required because our natural hair continues to grow, the bonding agent becomes loose, life happens, and you’ll need to re-adjust and maintain your hair’s appearance.
Hair extensions can be applied in a variety of ways depending on your needs and budget. For a fun, inexpensive, and temporary change of style, consider clip in extensions. These can be bought from most hair extensions shops or online stores. Ponytail extensions are popular choices in clip-ins. Though clip-ins are generally not available in subtle colour variations, they can still be purchased in the common shades.
There are a few things you can do to get the most out of your hair extensions. They can be shampooed, styled and brushed the same as your natural hair, but don’t try to alter their colour. This should be done professionally. The most important thing is to be gentle with it so as to increase the life of the bond attaching it and use a soft bristle brush, to brush out tangles from the bottom ends up towards your head. At night, to avoid matting, tie it up or braid it if it’s fairly long, and never sleep with wet or damp hair. Avoid using any silicone-based products or conditioners on the extension where it is bonded to your natural hair, as this will make the bond slip off.
In the society that we live in today it has become second nature to plug a hairdryer, straightener or curling tongs in as part of our daily routine but can these appliances still be used on hair extensions? If your extensions are made from real hair then the answer is, yes you can! However if you are using synthetic hair you shouldn’t be using straightening irons or curling tongs as they can damage the extensions. With regards to the frequency of having hair extensions fitted then providing that your extensions are applied and removed correctly, meaning no damage has been done then you can have your new extensions applied the same day your old ones come out. It is still advisable though, that you give your hair a break once in a while.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hair Coloring Advice
Hair color is technically just a combination of lights reflecting from your hair shaft. These combinations depend on the pigments used and the light they are seen in. There are various types of hair color, the permanent hair color permanently changes the way your hair shaft looks, and reflects light. It cannot be washed out, and the only way to reverse the process will be to go through another chemical process. So, go for a permanent hair color only if you want a long-term change.
It is not advisable to color hair that has been previously colored by metallic colors or even herbs like henna.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hair Extensions - How can we Apply?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hair Extensions Tips
1) Can we talk? Absolutely be sure to have a sit-down, thorough consultation BEFORE you show up for your hair appointment. It’s a real change in your day to day hair care, and it is a lengthy process. You should budget 45 minutes in which to learn from your stylist (or explain if you are the stylist) how the extensions will under the hair, how the hair will be cut and styled, how it will feel and certainly long term maintenance.
2) Style: After your consultation, or during, make certain your stylist/operator knows how you will style your hair from day to day so they can fit the extensions to suit your needs. If this is not taken in to account, your styling of their extension installation could be unnatural and unflattering.
3) Put your head to bed: Hair extensions can go wonky overnight so it is good practice to put it up at night.
4) Brush, Brush, Brush: Look out for small cylindrical brushes and choose instead the big fatties (you know the ones - wide paddles) You could always try Tangle Teezer ( to gently pull out knots if things go awry.
5) Match, don’t Mix: Have your stylist help you match up the texture of the extension (beyond curly/straight) with your own hair, and not just the color, as this will make it easier to style down the road.
*Also, it’s always a good idea to have the stylist double check that your hair is actually the type you ordered - we’ve heard stories of people having “straight” hair put in and then upon first wash it turns out it’s actually curly hair that’s been straightened! Not good.
6) There’s the rub: Shampooing is critical for hair sheen, and overall health (and hygene!) but be sure to take it easy on those dangling strands. Don’t over-rub, or rub too intensely as you can damage or knot the extensions. Try massaging from top to bottom like you might a horses tail. We promise you can still have the herbal essence experience with extensions, just take it easy.
7) Oil! Be sure your products aren’t too oily, as this can cause extensions to slip. Conditioner is included in the list, and be sure to condition from the middle of the extension down to the ends, not at the root.
8) Gimme a Break! Be sure to give your scalp and your hair a rest between extensions. There are long term risks to using extensions too often without appropriate recuperating periods. We suggest a 3-6 month extension free hiatus to ensure hair strength and health. It’s always a good idea to have your scalp treated during that resting period too - all things in moderation right?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Do you know about Hair Extensions Wearing?
If you have thin hair or short hair, if you've received a bad haircut, you have bad genes or just because you've always wanted to try them out, you don't have to live without Hair Extensions for even one more day! Getting longer, thicker hair couldn't be easier than it is when you leave it to us.
Benefits of wearing Hair Extensions:
* Properly and professionally installed 100%Human Hair Extensions may significantly change the way you look and feel about yourself.
* Hair Extensions instantly adds length to short hair.
* Hair Extensions instantly adds volume to fine lifeless hair.
* Take a look at a few Hair Extension before and after photos, in our gallery, to see what a difference Hair Extensions have made in our clients lives.
When you should consider wearing Hair Extensions?
* You've received a bad haircut.
* Your hair just won't grow long enough on its own.
* You want long hair without waiting for it to grow on its own.
* Your hair is thin or thinning.
* You want to change the way you look and feel about yourself.
Certified Hair Extensions:
* 100% Human Hair Extensions by Great Lengths, USA.
* 100% Human Hair Extensions by SoCap, Italy.
* Pre-bonded
* Soft to the touch
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Why are black hairs mixed in with my blonde extensions?
Although it happens to all types of hair, the black hair problem is most prevalent with Indian Hair. The reason is because within the last few years, Indian women have started using a product on their hair that has substantial amounts of coconut oils.

The coconut oil creates a seal or repellent inside the cuticle, not allowing the hair shaft to take new color deposits. But another reason for bad hair in your extensions is some of the hair strands are synthetic.
But, how those synthetic strands made their way into your 100% human hair package?
synthetic hair strands does not burn or shrivel up when using a flat iron or curling iron, does not mean it is human hair. There is now new synthetic hair on the market that is somewhat heat resistant. Another reason for bad hair mixed in with your extensions is the hair donor had damaged or old hair.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hair Straightners
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Guidelines to Choose your Hair Stylist

1. Schedule at least 3 hair extension consultations.
2. Verify that the stylist has the credentials/training they say they do.
3. Get at least 3 references from each stylist and call them all.
4. Read every little word on any contract they give you.
5. Ask exactly what happens if something goes wrong.
5. Call the Board of Cosmetology in your state to verify the stylist does have a cosmetology license and check if any complaints have been filed against him/her.
6. Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been filed against the stylist of salon.
7. "Google" the salon/stylist and hair extension method.
8. Visit Hair Extension forums and check if anyone has mentioned the stylist or salon.
9. Take notes during your consultation so that you can better compare salons/methods later.
10. NEVER NEVER sign a contract during the consultation. Always go home, do research and homework and read the contract in full before signing.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hair Extensions FAQ
How does Real Extensions Differ from Synthetic Hair?
At the most basic level the difference is Real Human Hair Extensions are a 100% natural, were as synthetic hair extensions are basically plastic. Synthetic hair was created to allow more vibrant colours and to make attaching them easier, but technology has allowed us to create the same colours and ease of attachment with human hair.
Where does the real Hair for Human Hair Extensions come from?
The hair for Human Hair extensions come from Asia, even so called ‘European’ will most of the time come from Asia the term European when used in the Hair extension world simply mean that the hair has undergone very little processing.
Are Hair extensions hard to look after?
They are not ‘harder’ to look after the only difference that you will really notice is that you will have to take longer to dry out.
Can I go swimming?
You can swimming with Human Hair extensions in, but you have to remember that your extensions are created from human hair, so you will have to treat them the same as you would your own hair or they may dry out. Also do not get your hair wet for at least two day after getting them put in or you can damage the attachments and they may end up falling out.
What If I want them taken out?
It all depends on the method that they were installed with, yes they all can be taken out but permanent human hair extensions will need to be taken out by a professional to stop damage to your hair. So it is advised to try out temporary hair extensions before you get permanent extensions installed.
Can I dye my hair?
Yes you can dye your hair extensions, but it is not recommended to use your normal dye product, you will have to go to a salon to get you extensions dyed because they need to use a different formula specially made for hair extensions.