Monday, July 28, 2008

Black Hair Styles

People of color have different challenges than other people when it comes to hair. Since black hair is typically courser and wiry, choosing the right style can sometimes be difficult. For many people of color, they want a head of sleek hair. The good news is that good, black hair styles are not difficult to achieve, as long as you know how.

If you were interested in a long, black hair style, you need to remember that the way and amount of hair growth will depend on several things. First, the way in which hair grows has a lot to do with genetics. Therefore, while there might be one family that can wear just about any type of black hair style, other families struggle to get their hair below the chin. Another consideration has to do with health. If you are trying to achieve long hair, certain illnesses such as thyroid or lupus will have an affect on the outcome.

To grow your hair so you can wear it long, you need to make sure you are eating a well balanced diet, have little to no stress in your life, do not smoke, keep your hair clean and healthy, and overall take care of yourself. Additionally, you want to avoid greasing your hair every day, which can actually clog the pores on your scalp. Also, try to avoid using relaxers, if possible, do not bleach your hair, only use hot irons or curls occasionally, and have split ends trimmed. All of these things combined will help you achieve the goal of having any number of long, black hair styles.

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