Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hair Extensions FAQ

I have compiled a FAQ of the most asked questions so you can get better informed before you buy any Human Hair extensions

How does Real Extensions Differ from Synthetic Hair?

At the most basic level the difference is Real Human Hair Extensions are a 100% natural, were as synthetic hair extensions are basically plastic. Synthetic hair was created to allow more vibrant colours and to make attaching them easier, but technology has allowed us to create the same colours and ease of attachment with human hair.

Where does the real Hair for Human Hair Extensions come from?

The hair for Human Hair extensions come from Asia, even so called ‘European’ will most of the time come from Asia the term European when used in the Hair extension world simply mean that the hair has undergone very little processing.

Are Hair extensions hard to look after?

They are not ‘harder’ to look after the only difference that you will really notice is that you will have to take longer to dry out.

Can I go swimming?

You can swimming with Human Hair extensions in, but you have to remember that your extensions are created from human hair, so you will have to treat them the same as you would your own hair or they may dry out. Also do not get your hair wet for at least two day after getting them put in or you can damage the attachments and they may end up falling out.

What If I want them taken out?

It all depends on the method that they were installed with, yes they all can be taken out but permanent human hair extensions will need to be taken out by a professional to stop damage to your hair. So it is advised to try out temporary hair extensions before you get permanent extensions installed.

Can I dye my hair?

Yes you can dye your hair extensions, but it is not recommended to use your normal dye product, you will have to go to a salon to get you extensions dyed because they need to use a different formula specially made for hair extensions.

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